Together on a Mission

 Evangel Fellowship International is a fellowship of churches and ministers dedicated to developing and promoting unity and strength among its members through Christ. 

Membership with Evangel Fellowship International provides recognition by a body of international leaders, attesting to your integrity, both personal and professional. The EFI Family provides fellowship and strength for ministers, missionaries, and communities of faith.

Evangel Fellowship International fosters strong member relationships, unity, and organizational effectiveness by working together towards these goals:

  • Promote unity and fellowship among our members

  • Emphasize and encourage New Testament ministry

  • Ordain and License ministers

  • Fulfill the Great Commission by advancing the gospel through evangelism and planting churches worldwide

A Vision for Impact

To be a part of EFI is to embrace our value of fellowship. Our first role as a fellowship is to build and strengthen relationships among leaders. Even to be a member you must first be recommended to us by a current member. We are and will always be about relationships.

We believe that if you are cared for, your ministry will flourish. We believe that growth happens best in a family environment of acceptance and love. Since we primarily focus on relationships and encouragement, we strongly recommend qualified resourcing organizations that major in church growth, developing great systems and helpful strategies, etc.

Our second emphasis focuses on a two-fold outreach, local and global. Locally, we are committed to helping every member seek to impact their community. What challenges is your city facing? What needs do they have? What are you doing to help?

Globally, EFI is a missions organization with missionaries in many countries around the globe. We believe each church should have its own form of global expression. We encourage our member churches to play an active role in our global church planting initiative. That initiative is primarily focused on third-world nations.  

Every pastor knows the importance of giving for each member. We believe that it is equally important for churches to give so that each church can have a global impact regardless of size. 

Our motto sums it up best: Relationally Connected for Global Impact.

- Phillip Miles
Chairman, Evangel Fellowship International

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Our Legacy

Bishop Houston Miles founded Evangel Fellowship International in 1983 with a vision that The Church is called not only to serve the local community, but also to share God’s Word and God’s love on a global level. The Bishop himself has made numerous trips to foreign lands, planting hundreds of churches around the world. In 2010, Houston’s son, Phillip, took over the leadership of EFI and has continued with their shared commitment to bringing the light of Christ to the far reaches of the globe.

Our Leadership

Evangel Fellowship International has been blessed with faithful leaders who believe genuine relationships lead to greater impact for the Kingdom of God. The leadership structure consists of our Chairman, Executive Board, and Regional Representatives.

EFI’s Global Outreach

Blue - Missionaries

Green - Pastors

Red - Both